Women’s empowerment

A robust community of women is the axis around which all the development efforts revolve.
We motivate women by

  • Imparting leadership skills through workshops and seminars.
  • Conductive interactive sessions with successful individuals.
  • Conducting Entrepreneurship Development Training Programmes to improve self-development among poor people.

Welfare & Relief Services

We provide welfare and emergency relief services to the poor community.
  • Providing financial assistance to the poor for petty shops and sewing machines.
  • Providing needy equipment to disabled persons.
  • Distributed food to Gypsy communities during flood time in Chennai.


There is no limit to what a woman can accomplish. Here a group of 12 women is into product making and their mission is to give opportunities to many women in the future. This group is working on 9 different products of the Giri Trading Agency including Rasam powder, Sambar powder, etc.

Food Distribution

Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. During the lockdown, Police officers are taking care of everyone’s health where our team took care of those police officers by serving them food and water for free.

Fine Art Events

The people born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it. Our team will find our greatest happiness in bringing them out by conducting cash prize events for fine art students. The event includes bringing up several talents like dance, music, etc.

For Vedics

Our team helps Vedic students by teaching them Vedic mantras. The motivation of this service is to collect funds for Vedic students for their studies.